Arisha's Blog

Wonderfull World

The Time I got my Parrot


At first she was I in a box. I touched the box with one hand and then another. I heart started to beat faster and faster. Will the parrot be nice? Will it bit? Will it be big? Is it a girl or a boy. I opened the cage . Uuuuuuuu!!!!! It made a sound— a sound.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! It ran out the box! It was gray with a black beak. It had a red tail. It looked like she was running for her life. She had a weird face the first time I saw her. After a few days she came to know all of us. She became nicer and kinder.
Now I look back and think of that day. She makes me happy. She yells my name when I come home. I would never ever sell her now. At the beginning she was not the nicest.

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